Thursday, March 5, 2015

So long! Farewell! Auf wiedersehen! Adieu!

I'm moving! Not physically but the blog is going in a new direction. The Taming of the Roux has been fun but it's time to tackle new challenges and explore. Instead of only sharing kitchen adventures and recipes, I want to spend more time honing my writing. To do that, I want to be able to write more frequently which means writing about more than the best recipes I've tried or created. There have been hints of this developing ever since the so-called "Beer Odyssey" a couple years ago. Friends decided to introduce me to the world of craft beer perhaps in an attempt to take my mind off of a painful breakup. Don't worry! It wasn't a drown my sorrows in my drinks kind of solution. We were always responsible and have continued to be.

Craft beer has become something my friends and I connect and bond over. Tasting and discussing the merits of the brews we try and the distances we'll drive to taste artisan beers. Food is still my focus for the new blog but I've invited friends to contribute. Foodies & Brewies is being piloted as a name (perhaps I've even coined a new label with "brewies") but if you've been with me since the beginning you know I'm not shy about changing it. As far as names go, it captures the essence of what the new blog will be about. If you're looking for recipes, original or reviewed, recommendations for restaurants, and are interested (even remotely) by the craft beer and local movement, check us out at the new site and bear with us as we work out the kinks and smooth those wrinkles.

Thank you for any interest you've had in The Taming of the Roux and the support you've provided!

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