Thursday, March 29, 2012

Oreo Pancakes

Oreo, Oreo, wherefore art thou Oreo?
                        In my pancakes.

You might ask me why I put Oreos in my pancakes this morning. 
                       One of my answers might be “Why not?” 

If I think of putting Oreos in something, it will probably happen due to my dangerous and forbidden love affair with milk’s favorite cookie. I come from the noble house of Dieting and he comes from one of my family’s enemies – Nabisco. But how can I resist that Oreo cookie goodness? Alas, a cookie by any other name does not taste as good. (I’m looking at you, WhoNu and every other Oreo imposter!)

I usually make myself some kind of fruit smoothie for breakfast but I wasn’t feeling it this morning. It’s dreary out and I wanted something hot but eggs didn’t sound appealing either. Pancakes came to mind! At first I was considering making Cranberry Orange pancakes (another experiment I’ve been waiting to try out) but I don’t have any oranges in the fridge! Apparently, ‘twas not to be. (But I will make them someday when I have everything I need for my cooking adventures). If I couldn’t make Cranberry Orange pancakes, what could I do? Not even sure how, but Oreos popped into my head and it was like when Romeo first spots Juliet in the crowd at the Capulet’s party. “Did my heart love till now?” (Side note: I HATE Romeo and Juliet. It is by far one of my least favorites, ranking little higher than Titus Andronicus, Troilus and Cressida, and Coriolanus.)

I’m making a very short story quite long, aren’t I? To get to the point, I made Oreo pancakes on a whim. It’s definitely something I’m going to play with though, because, while they were tasty, I want the Oreo flavor to be in every bite. But I won’t hold out on you so I'll share what I did this morning with the note that I’m going to revisit this recipe with improvements. You are welcome to play with it as well! That is one of my favorite things about cooking. :)

1 ¼ c. flour
1 egg
1 c. milk
¼ c. oil (like canola)
¼ c. sugar
1 heaping tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract
5-6 Oreos
Butter or nonstick spray for your pan

Crush the Oreos, don’t make them all a fine powder. Leave plenty of chunks. It makes the pancake more interesting.

Mix your dry ingredients and then add the egg, milk, vanilla, and oil. Whisk until combined but don’t over whisk. You want light and fluffy pancakes, not stiff ones.

Add the Oreo crumbles and stir until just combined.

Heat your pan on Medium and grease it to prevent sticking. I think that heating the pan after you make the batter is best because it gives the Oreos time to start breaking up into the batter. Next time, I might even let the Oreos sit in the wet ingredients separately for a while so that more Oreo flavor comes through in the pancakes when it’s cooked.

Pour batter on to the pan or griddle and wait until bubbles start rising and popping on the surface of the pancake then flip. Wait about 2-3 minutes depending on how big your pancake is then serve!

Now since this is a work in process, I don’t have anything to serve it with. I’m sure that maple syrup would be fine but it hardly seems to go with Oreos. I ate mine as is but that has been a quirk of mine for years with all kinds of pancakes.

Any suggestions?


  1. They would look and probably taste better if they were in the shape of star wars spaceships like the Millennium Falcon.

    1. Don't worry. I will be making Star Wars themed pancakes soon and you shall partake in the eating of them.

  2. But, I am sure they are delicious no matter what. I want to try some!

  3. Renee, i am impressed! the blog looks awesome! these pancakes sound delicious! my only question is whether or not the cream adds a weird taste to the pancake. I would imagine the cookie to be good but i am not sure how i feel about the cream. Just some food for thought (I had to!) haha

    1. Hey Steph! The Oreo cream flavor doesn't really come through at all (a personal preference of my own would be for more Oreo filling flavor). I think this is because I used plain old Oreos and not Double Stuf. I'm going to do some tweaking and perhaps make a sauce out of the filling to dunk the pancakes in. Then you'll be able to control the amount of Oreo filling flavor. Thanks for all the compliments!
