Thursday, April 19, 2012

Of Life and Lemons

Life has been giving me lots of lemons this past week. Despite having Monday off and spending it with people I love eating burgers and ice cream then failing miserably at mini golf as per usual, my first day back to the grind wasn’t pleasant. My attire was for a much sunnier disposition but so many things went wrong during my geology lab (which involved math) and then one issue after the next at work, and car problems combined with sheer exhaustion made for one awful day. If only the evening could have been better, instead I didn’t get enough work done and fell asleep while studying for my quiz. Wednesday wasn’t much of an improvement apart from a wonderful exiting interview with my favorite professor who made me feel like a million when he said I have been a delightful student. :)

Initially I intended today’s blog update to be entirely different but considering all the lemons in my life, I decided to make something with them. Two somethings, actually. This week we have Lemon-Thyme Pasta Salad and Strawberry Lemonade!

Lemon-Thyme Pasta Salad

Please excuse the container, this is my lunch for tomorrow.

Originally, I made this recipe as a chicken salad but we happened to have some leftover penne from the previous night’s dinner. Quick decision: pasta salad instead of chicken salad. Incredibly simple and hey! it’s vegetarian too!

Leftover pasta (obviously not spaghetti or linguine or stuffed pastas with the exception of tortellini – this would actually be delicious with tortellini)
Fresh thyme or dried thyme
Salt and pepper

You may have noticed there are no measurements. This is the kind of recipe that really depends on how much pasta you actually have and its very basic so you shouldn’t need measurements. Kind of like making tuna fish sandwiches, no one measures for that! You just know what the right amount for you is without the comfort of precise measuring tools.


Pour pasta into a bowl, warm it up in the microwave very slightly if it’s cold, just enough so that it separates easily. Then plop, drop, dollop, or whatever your mayo onto the pasta and stir to coat. I like just enough to coat my pasta but not overwhelm it.

Squeeze lemon juice over the mixture, I used half a lemon for about 2 cups of pasta. You could use the zest as well, I clearly wasn’t thinking when I made this so I didn’t use it, but the zest would be awesome!

Add your salt and pepper to taste then add your thyme. I used fresh thyme and I really enjoy it so I used about 3 teaspoons worth. Then stir to combine and allow to sit overnight so those flavors marry.
The flavor profile of this pasta salad is very delicate and refined. It doesn’t have any vinegar so it doesn’t wallop you with that kick and note of sourness. (Which I quite enjoy in pasta salad but this is a nice change). I’ll share the original chicken salad recipe someday with you guys. :)

Strawberry Lemonade

I initially made this as an alcoholic punch/sangria! I didn’t want to be drinking alone today, so I nixed the wine I usually put in this. Best thing about it? It’s sweet and tart and if you so wish it can be fizzy too. What’s better than bubbles? They certainly help put me in a better mood…without the help of alcohol.

Fresh strawberries (crucial!)
Your favorite lemonade
1 lemon (cut into slices)

Optional Sparkling lemon water (not seltzer! Poland Springs has a line of sparkling waters with flavor)
Optional Moscato

In a blender, combine about 16 strawberries with tops cut off and your favorite lemonade. Today I used Simply Lemonade but in the past I have used Crystal Light. Hit puree! (Or just the lowest level, puree is kind of taking it to an extreme).  

After it’s blended, you can strain it if you so wish but I like the strawberry pieces in mine. Pour into a pitcher with the lemon slices and keep chilled in your refrigerator or pour into glasses and serve immediate or just drink it straight from the pitcher with an extra-long straw. Whatever makes you happy!

If you want the fizz, fill your glass halfway with the lemon water and top off with the strawberry lemonade.

If you want the alcohol, pour desired amount into your pitcher and stir. I love it this way since that’s what I did the first time and it really did make everything better ;) I know my friends loved this when I made it for them so I think there is a pretty good chance that you will love it too!

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