Thursday, December 20, 2012

25 Days of Cookies: Brownie Cookies

I love this cookie not because it's a cookie but because it's more brownie than cookie! And I love brownies. Cookie #20! They are all that is good and great about chocolate. Mmmmm...

As you may already know, I'm tired of baking. Yesterday I got a break.  Today, however, I got to try out a different method. These are not box based brownie cookies by any means. In fact, they are quite a process. You must follow the directions to a T otherwise you'll end up with loose and unmanageable batter. There were a number of bad reviews of this recipe but I'm convinced that the reviewers did something wrong. They had me wondering if these were going to be a failure!

Fine Cooking didn't let me down though. These taste like the best brownies of your life but they're cookies and oh so tasty! You can find the recipe here. I omitted the nuts since more people enjoy brownies without nuts (at least more of the people that I know).

So what do you do to  make these fabulous brownie cookies? Melt your own chocolate. Yes, some of you might be scared by this but it is well worth it! 12 oz of chocolate and 4 tablespoons of butter are melted over a double boilers (a bowl seated over a lightly simmering pot of water). Let it cool after is is completely melted and shiny. Then mix the flour and baking powder, set aside, and mix your sugar and eggs on a medium high speed for 3-4 minutes. Add the vanilla and the cooled melted chocolate slowly. I think this part is important in case your chocolate it still a little warm. It gives the eggs and chance to come to the same temperature. It wasn't called for by the original recipe, but please do this if you're going to make it. Then you add your dry ingredients and let it sit for 5 minutes! Yes, let it sit!

Cookie dough should be stiff but this is technically brownie batter so you can't scoop it or roll it. You have to pipe it on to the parchment lined trays. Piping cookies! It was a welcome break from scooping, rolling, and flattening. It was great! And the deep dark chocolatey brownie taste of these cookies is worth the extra mess of a piping bag. All you'll need is some vanilla ice cream to eat with these.

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