Thursday, December 6, 2012

25 Days of Cookies: Caramel Filled Chocolate Cookies

My sister isn’t happy about this. She says thanks to me, it’s time for her to start running again but hey! Here’s Cookie number 6 for the 25 Days of Cookies!

Pillsbury has their big bake-off every year and this is the $2,000 recipe from 1990: Caramel Filled Chocolate Cookies. When they’re straight from the oven, the caramel inside is like a gift inside of the fancy packaging on Christmas day. It oooooozes and drips if you’re not careful but the mess is so worth it.

I need something to hold my camera for shots like this because it was so hard to break it open and take a picture of the caramel inside!
Mmm look at all that caramel!
Oh it's SO good!

Some tips: 

  • Buy a bag of Rolos and a roll of Rolos. They no longer sell a 13oz bag and the biggest I could find was 8.5oz which isn't enough for the recipe.
  • Toast the pecans
  • Use a tablespoon measure dusted with flour to scoop the dough
  • Use parchment paper - sometimes the caramel leaks through the bottom of the cookies and makes a mess on the pan
  • Allow to cool for a minute on the pan before transferring to a wire rack
  • Use Wilton candy melts for the drizzle on top

Mom made these when I was a kid and I remember liking them but now I have a whole new appreciation for them. Reheat in the microwave so the delight of melting caramel with warm chocolate cookie can be experienced even after they’re a day old.

I firmly believe that chocolate and caramel are at their best when they’re molten and gooey.

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