Friday, December 7, 2012

25 Days of Cookies: Snickerdoodles

Snickerdoodle. It's a funny name. Go ahead and say it. Who came up with this name? Do these cookies make you snicker while you doodle? Possibly a corruption of a German word according to some sources. Wikipedia (not the most reliable source) says it might even come from a New England tradition of whimsical nonsense cookie names. Recipe and day 7 of this cookie countdown!

I've never had a snickerdoodle before today! I like them best fresh from the oven. I'm partial to chewy cookies rather than crunchy cookies. Other taste testers have told me that this recipe is very good. 

These are very simple to make and the most time consuming part is rolling the cookie dough into 1inch balls then rolling them in cinnamon and sugar. I used a 1/2 tablespoon measure (dusted with flour to prevent sticking) for scooping the dough.

Got this recipe from one of my mom's cookbooks and decided to try it out. For some reason the recipe didn't call for any salt and since salt helps enhance flavors I added 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt.

You can find the recipe here on the Better Homes and Gardens website. :) I've been told when these are dunked into milk, the cinnamon and sugar coating flavors the milk so that it's like having a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and drinking the milk leftover.