Tuesday, December 18, 2012

25 Days of Cookies: Cranberry Pecan Oat Cookies

 Browsing around for cookie recipes, I came across this one on The Cooking Channel website. Which sparks a quick tangent about the Cooking Channel: What is it really supposed to be? A new network for food fanatics or a dumping zone for old rerun episodes from the Food Network? I want new! Who else is with me!?

I was sadly informed about 20 minutes ago that my mother's work partner had forgotten the last of the Oatmeal Raisin Cookies I baked for him at work over the weekend. He had hoped they would still be there Monday only to find out that some awful, horrendous, crooked jerky jockey of a Grinch  didn't want cookies around and THREW THEM AWAY! WHO THROWS AWAY HOMEMADE COOKIES!? 

Thankfully, I baked these today and I hope he will enjoy them. If I weren't baking 25 different cookies, I would make another batch of those for him. They are pretty amazing.

But enough about a past cookie, time to get down to business and tell you about the 18th cookie of the Christmas Cookie Countdown: Cranberry Pecan Oat Cookies with Bourbon Glaze courtesy of Zac Young. I first saw him compete on Top Chef Just Desserts and he was very cute and entertaining.  Very excited to try this cookie recipe out!

I certainly wasn't let down. My mother describes them as "fantabulous" and I quite agree.

 Cranberries and oranges, they really love each other. A marriage of true flavors, let me not admit impediments. ;) Nod to Shakespeare though he didn't say flavors.  PLUS it's got a bourbon glaze! Say hello and take a big bite of one of these cookies!

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