Tuesday, December 25, 2012

25 Days of Cookies: Vanilla Sugar Cookies

Merry Christmas!

The cookie countdown is over! Somehow, I made 25 different types of cookies. I won't be doing it again! :) I'm gonna take a break from cookies and maybe baking for a while. The thought of pulling out the cookie sheets, parchment paper, scoops, and measuring cups and all that damn butter that had to be at room temp is painful.

The 25th cookie: the good old classic sugar cut-out cookie from Fine Cooking which you can find the recipe for right here. The fun part about it is that this recipe gives you instructions on how to change the flavoring up to make them more interesting. I stuck with vanilla because it's honestly my favorite flavor. There's nothing boring about it!

Let me tell you how much I hate making cut-out cookies. They are such a process! There are so many other tastier cookies in the world but cut-out cookies are cute. That's really all they've got going for themselves. I complained about these the entire time I was making them. Here's why:

First you make the dough.

Then you divide the dough into thirds. Create 3 thick 5X5 inch squares. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for at least 30 minutes.

Then you take one square out at a time and roll between two pieces of parchment paper to about 1/8 inch thick, and then you stack them in the refrigerator and chill for 45 minutes.

After they've chilled, you need to take one sheet out at a time and cut them with your shapes of choice. I was disappointed to find that we don't own a snowflake but I digress. Moving on. After cutting your shapes, you have to roll the cuttings back up and repeat the chilling and rolling process.

And once you have all your shapes cut and you've used all the dough that you possibly can, you have to freeze them for at least 20 minutes! What!? GAH! 

By the time you get to decorate these cookies, you're just over it. You don't want to look at them ever again. So you'll just have to eat them all up or give them away to your friends and family. Save a couple for yourself because after all, these are pretty damn tasty for a cut-out sugar cookie.

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