Thursday, December 13, 2012

25 Days of Cookies: Strawberry Strippers


Okay, these were supposed to be Raspberry Strippers :) When I came across the recipe I got a little laugh out of the name. I know that some of you likely find it entertaining as well. While these cookies won't dance and doff their clothes for you, I don't think you'll mind once you have a taste. ;) 

The cookie itself is a light vanilla butter cookie that you fill with preserves. I had every intention of making these with raspberry preserves but once I tasted the jellies we already had in the fridge, I didn't care for the flavor. They seemed as if they had passed their peak. What else did we have for preserves? Marmalade...blackberry...strawberry...ginger...hmmm...ginger... :) Ginger Strippers sounded like a great name for a cookie!

Alas, as humorous as Ginger Strippers would have been, I didn't think they would be much of a hit outside of the house. (Mom looooooves ginger). Strawberry is much more common and palates that aren't ready for new flavors would enjoy something recognizable.

Technically, these are thumbprint cookies but they're a different shape and you don't use your thumb. Why did I make them? Simple recipe and only one pan! Just one pan! You form two 12in logs about 2-2 1/2 inches wide and then use your index finger or the handle of a wooden spoon to form a trench of sorts in the dough about halfway down. Then you fill the trench with your preferred preserve and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Oh, and there's only 1/3 of a cup of sugar in the dough! Madness!

It's a Stripper Jenga tower!

You must have noticed the hot pink drizzle. I'm disappointed in myself that I ended up putting such a vivid pink drizzle on top of these cookies. They hardly look festive with PINK on them. It's a good Easter color but not Christmasy in the slightest.

Well what is it?! It's a Sloe Gin (Berry Liqueur) drizzle and it's a vivid reddish pink drink. It goes great with the strawberry preserves! The different berry flavors bounce around in your mouth in a fun array of sweetness. I had the tiniest amount (no more than 1/8 of tsp) of lemon juice to balance the sweetness. All I did to make the drizzle was substitute the Sloe Gin for the liquid the recipe calls for. Where can you find this recipe? Right here. These are a Cooking Light recipe with only 75 calories per cookie. Be careful though, one definitely won't satisfy.

The Stripper Jenga tower collapsed.

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