Wednesday, December 5, 2012

25 Days of Cookies: Holiday Cookies 'n' Cream Cookies

Day 5 of the Cookie Countdown! 20 more days until Christmas!!

Last year, while gawking at beautiful pictures of food on or as one of my good friends calls it “food porn”, I came across this recipe for chocolate chip cookies that have crushed Oreos mixed into the batter. If you’re a faithful follower, then you are well acquainted with my love of milk’s favorite cookie. Of course I tried it out! They were such a huge hit that I didn’t have even the smallest crumb left to share with friends at work. A second double batch was in order.

I followed the recipe to the letter the first time but this time I decided to make a change in the process. If you follow the original recipe, you’ll add the crushed Oreos to the batter last. This yields a chocolate chip cookie with chunks of Oreo in it. They are separate from the dough in the same way that the chocolate chips are. I wanted my Oreos to be incorporated into the batter. By adding the crushed Oreos to the wet ingredients before adding the dry ingredients, the Oreos have a chance to start breaking down the same way they do in a glass of milk. :) mmmm…

Oh, you noticed that these cookies have a red tint to them? That’s because I used Winter Oreos!! What a fun way to make these fit the holiday theme! Being the Oreo aficionado that I am, I’ve come to the conclusion that holiday Oreos with colored stuf have more stuf than a regular Oreo and less than a double stuf Oreo. I love the stuf! It’s the best stuff in the world!

Wondering where you can find the recipes I adapted from? Look no further: Lovin’ From The Oven and Picky-Palate.

Here’s how you make these sinful treats that might make you bad enough to end up on the naughty list this year:

Holiday Cookies ‘n’ Cream Cookies

½ c. room temp unsalted butter (1 stick)
¼ c. packed brown sugar + 2 tablespoons
¼ c. sugar + 2 tablespoons
1 egg
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 ¼ c. all-purpose flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
12 Winter Oreos, chopped
1 c. chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350°F.

In a medium bowl combine dry ingredients: flour, baking soda, and salt. Whisk!

Cream butter, sugar, brown sugar until light and fluffy with an electric mixer. Add vanilla extract and egg. Mix until well combined.

Add Oreos and mixed until all Oreo pieces are wet.

Slowly add your dry ingredients to your wet ingredients until just mixed. Add chocolate chips.

On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, spoon tablespoon amounts of cookie dough. Stagger to give them space to spread.

Bake for 10-14 minutes or until cooked through.

Allow to cool on a wire rack and eat as soon as the risk of burning your mouth on nearly volcanic hot cookie has passed. :)

(By the way, the raw dough is just as marvelous as the cookie – I mean: do not consume raw dough…you know that whole salmonella thing…)

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